Wintering- An Afternoon Retreat-Sunday Nov 10th -2.15-5.15pm- Mullingar



Plants and animals don’t fight the winter; they don’t pretend it’s not happening and attempt to carry on living the same lives that they lived in the summer. They prepare. They adapt. They perform extraordinary acts of metamorphosis to get them through. From Katherine May’s “Wintering”

An afternoon to assist us in wintering well.  The wheel turns and we travel on, deeper into increasing darkness.  It is necessary to align our beings with the energy of the season, when we listen deeply, we can feel this call. The pull towards slowness, rest, non-doing and introspection. This is the way of the feminine, it is in within this space that we become aware of our deepest wisdom and truth, we access our own power.

This is a specially curated afternoon,  to meet us in our wintering and bring us into alignment with the natural energy of the season.   It is a held space for you to connect more deeply with your own life force and internal rhythm, and to honor these.

We will blend together some nourishing practices including:

Mindful Yoga,  Restorative Yoga, Gentle Breathing practice.

Meditation- Meditation and deeply restful Yoga Nidra.

Cacao Ceremony-A centuries old ritual. The cacao plant is is used as a heart healing and opening medicine. It assists in energetic healing, promotes relaxation and  a feeling of contentment,  We will enjoy organic, rich, delicious ceremonial cacao with warming seasonal spices. It marries beautifully with our other practices of yoga and meditation.

Bring a blanket, eye pillow, cosy socks, maybe a hot water bottle  (though the space is lovely and warm) and anything you need for comfort.

Wintering brings about some of the most profound and insightful moments of our human experience, and wisdom resides in those who have wintered.

I really look forward to welcoming you to these winter sessions, it is such a potent and special time of year.


*If you are on SSRI ‘S, Maoi’s or have a serious heart condition, please contact me in advance and I will advise some modifications around the cacao.