I offer the Fitzwilliam FoodTEST food intolerance Test. This measures the IgG antibody levels associated with specific foods. There is a significant amount of published references indicating an association between elevated levels of IgG and many health issues. The Fitzwilliam FoodTEST Clinic, has been involved with food intolerance testing since 1983, and having worked with nearly every test which is available, holds that this IgG pinprick test is the most reliable and most useful diagnostic test currently available. I am delighted to be able to offer you this test. There are two tests to choose from 93 Foods and 200 Foods.

The test only requires a pinprick drop of blood which is then sent to the Cambridge Nutritional Sciences laboratory. The tiny sample can be collected in the comfort of your own home or I can take it from you at the clinic. Collecting the drop of blood is very simple—similar to a diabetic pinprick blood glucose test). Results are back in 2 weeks. The big advantage with the new IgG food intolerance test is that it is able to pinpoint those one or two primary culprit foods and your exact level of intolerance. This simplifies the whole approach to treating food intolerance associated illness.
Note: It is important to eat a broad range of foods before taking the test. Do not eat any food which has already caused a severe reaction without first getting a medical opinion.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Migraine/ Headache
- Overweight
- Auto Immune Conditions
- Skin Disease
- Infertility
- Respiratory Symptoms
- Autism

Food intolerance is primarily caused by a spasm of the stomach and intestines. The digestive system is unable to digest food when it is caught in such a spasm. It is like a clenched fist which is unable to relax. We do not always know this is happening. This results in undigested foods arriving in the intestines. It is these undigested foods which ultimately become the intolerance foods. These undigested foods begin to interact with the normal intestinal bacteria and the end result is the production of many harmful toxins. These toxins eventually begin to seep into the blood stream and are carried throughout the body. These foreign invaders are challenged by the immune system and eliminated.
If we carry on eating our intolerance foods the immune system is challenged continuously, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week and eventually becomes fractious and irritable and this causes it to over-react. This results in the immune system being activated by innocuous triggers such as house dust, pollen, paint fumes, etc. If this chronic irritation of the immune system is allowed to continue it eventually begins to attack its own tissues leading to arthritis, sinusitis, irritable bowel and all other such auto immune diseases. The objective of the food intolerance test is to find the foods which are causing this toxic state.