An Afternoon to Retreat- Easing into Autumn- 1-4pm 15th September- Mullingar.



As we move  into Autumn and  towards the Autumn Equinox on September 21st, it serves us well to take a pause to attune to and align with the cycles of nature, which are also our own. It is the time of the year to honor the final harvest, from the earth and also the harvest of your own human experience.

This afternoon is an invitation to slow down and  allow the mind to quieten and tend to your own body and being.  This allows us to rest deeply and connect with our own deep wisdom.  And is simply an opportunity to take some quality time out to replenish and nourish yourself.

You are invited into a gentle easy space for the afternoon.   Here we will blend together some nourishing practices to bring us into our bodies, to connect with our hearts and regulate our nervous systems. A time to turn inwards to welcome the darker part of the year and the gifts it offers.

You will be guided through these practices:

Yoga– Breathing practice, movement, and deeply restorative yoga

Meditation– Meditation to arrive and deeply restful Yoga Nidra.

Cacao Ceremony-A centuries old ritual. The cacao plant is used as a heart healing and opening medicine. It assists in energetic healing and bringing clarity.  We will enjoy organic, rich, delicious ceremonial cacao incorporating autumnal spices.  It weaves in  beautifully with our other practices of yoga and meditation and deepens our experience of these.

Bring  water, cosy socks and any thing you need for comfort.

A warm welcome awaits you.


*If you are on SSRI ‘S, MAOI’s or have a serious heart condition, please contact me in advance and I will advise some modifications around the cacao or bring an herbal infusion.

The Soul Hut, Lough Sheever, Mullingar. N91Ry10