An Evening to Relax & Restore- Rest as Ritual at Samhain- Saturday Nov 2nd 6-8pm



Rest as our ritual at the turn of the wheel.  There is an innate calling and need to slow down and go inwards as we move into wintertime.

A specially curated, and cosy candlelit evening to rest & retreat for a while.

The intention for the evening is to ease into and align with the energy of the season. Samhain marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter.  We will slow down, go within and listen to our inner wisdom at this auspicious time.

There will be…

Guided Meditation – to  support you in transitioning into a slower, softer mode. To down regulate the nervous system.

Deeply Restful Restorative  Yoga –Long holds in poses with bolsters and props to support and ensure total comfort.  This is to invite the body to unburden and unravel.  And allow the nervous system to settle into a relaxed and peaceful state.

Yoga Nidra- an ancient yoga practice that brings us into a state similar to deep sleep while awake.  A state of  relaxation with deeply restorative benefits.


Venue: The Hidden Gem, Moughna, Co Clare. V95Pr92

Bring a blanket, eye pillow, cosy socks and anything you need for comfort.