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Winters Rest at Solstice – Renew & Restore, 1-3pm Sunday 18th December

By November 30, 2016October 28th, 2020No Comments

Winter Solstice marks the shortest day and longest night, the deepest darkest point of winter. The light begins to increase each day from here on in. It reminds us that even on the darkest days, there is promise of light. Traditionally this was a time to celebrate the return of the sun and it is said that with the increasing light, intentions and ideas which have taken seed in the darker days will grow. Our Yoga at this time allows us to connect more deeply with ourselves and to align with the natural pulsation of this time, so that we can feel more balanced and nourished as we move forward.

This workshop combines three practices, Yin and Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra. One practice flows into the other and the design and intention of the practice is for you to experience a deep sense of peace and wellness in body, mind and spirit. These are the 3 most relaxing practices within the Yoga tradition. The intention is to give us a break from the busyness of the season and bring us into deep stillness aligning with the energy of solstice, a time of quiet, and deep listening.

Physiologically this type of practice takes us out of sympathetic nervous system dominance (stress) into parasympathetic dominance (rest and digest), unless we do something to make this switch on a regular basis, we easily become overwhelmed and exhausted.

This is a really nourishing practice by candlelight.

Cost: €25 *Deposit required to secure your place.

Venue: Phoenix Yoga Studio, Market Point Medical Park, Mullingar, Co, Westmeath

A 2 hour Yoga practice can be a great introduction if you are a beginner OR a chance to deepen the practice if you already attend classes.

For more information/to book your place contact Fiona on 087 9690936
Places limited, and booking is essential.

Fiona Brewer

Author Fiona Brewer

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